Modifying the sliders | XM Community
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I want to modify these sliders !

1. How can I adjust the values so that they appear above and not on the scale.

2. Is there a way to have the choices adjacent and not below the sliders?

Thanks in advance!
Hello @R_I ,

For point 2, if your survey is only for desktop user then the easy fix for this is just to uncheck the "Mobile Friendly" option for slider question.

For point 1, ideally the slider question renders properly, so try adding new slider question.

This is non mobile friendly view. The choices do not align with the sliders and instead appear down.

For point 1, is there a way to totally disable the numerical values? The give a very messy impact by being on the slider.
> @R_I said:

> @Shashi


> This is non mobile friendly view. The choices do not align with the sliders and instead appear down. - `Please check if you have ant HTML, CSS attached with the statements of the slider`

> For point 1, is there a way to totally disable the numerical values? The give a very messy impact by being on the slider. - `If you want to remove the numbers from slider question then paste the below code in the js(OnReady) of the question`

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .xlabel").hide();

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