move position of next/submite button | XM Community
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Hello, we need to put some disclaimer text to either the start of end of a survey, however given the volume of text and the fact that most people will be taking our survey via mobile, the ‘next’ or ‘submit’ buttons won’t be immediately visible on screen so I’m worried about dropouts. 


Is there a way to move the position of the ‘next’ or ‘submit’ button so it’s either at the top of the question, or at least above the disclaimer text?

You can create a ‘Next’ button in a text/ graphic question before disclaimer and on click of this button click Qualtrics Next Button using JS.

Also, please check this post.

Thanks Shashi, I’m not at all skilled in JS so would you be able to advise here please?

Paste the below code of @TomG from the post in JS of the discalimer question:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {


Thank you very much - that’s worked perfectly

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