Need help grabbing embedded data | XM Community
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I'm trying to pull embedded data from the survey flow tab but I can't seem to grab it. The purpose of the code is to grab the string, separate it into integers, then change the integers before recombining them into a string again. I've searched around and my code looks the same as others but it's still not working, any help would be greatly appreciated, here's the code.


/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/

//record current date/time as startTime

var startDate = new Date();

//pull the pracTime variable from qualtrics

var theString = "${e://Field/pracTime]";// <--- This is the part that isn't working

//theString = "'0,0,0,FU,0,0,0,0,0,0'";


//split the string into an array

var allTimes = theString.split(",");



Hello @Roger

There should be "}" (instead of "]") closing in the var theString line
Ugh it's always these tiny details that mess me up, thank you so much!

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