Page Break Stemming from Display Logic Based on Embedded Data | XM Community
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Dear All,

I've tried to find a solution on my own, but I'm seeking your input and expertise. As seen in the screenshot I uploaded to Imgur (, when my survey respondents are invited to complete a follow-up survey, each of their medications is first displayed (as well as related dosing and frequency), and one expert (Tom) in this forum helped me implement JavaScript to pre-populate answer choices based on their responses from the first survey that I saved to their contact list entry using embedded data.

Regarding my question and the attached screenshot, if a respondent selects 'Other/Not Listed' from a dropdown (Q7620), a text entry field is pre-populated with the medication name they entered manually the last time they completed the survey. While this works fine, this results in the insertion of a page break when I'd rather have that question remain hidden and the other questions remain on the same screen (i.e., Q7622, Q7623 in the screenshot).

I came across this link, which I think is along the lines of what I'd like to do (since in-page display logic doesn't let you pull from embedded data).

In the post above, jQuery("#"+this.questionId).hide(); was suggested as a solution, but I'm not sure how to implement this workaround.

Would I add jQuery("#"+this.questionId).hide(); to the question that I want hidden? Relatedly, within this jQuery function, what does "#" get replaced with? Would it be something like this: jQuery("Q7621"+this.questionId).hide();

Thanks in advance!
Hi @NS716 ,

whenever we use `jQuery("#"+this.questionId).hide();` , The question in which this code is inserted that particular question is hidden. We don't need to add anything to hide a specific question.

You can simply write a code to check the embedded data and add if the embedded data has data that you are looking for run the above-mentioned code.
@NiC Thanks for the reply. The latter part of your response is where I'm stuck. Can you provide an example of code that would run jQuery('#'+this.questionId).hide(); based on an embedded data value?
Hey @NS716

Following is the code to hide the question in which this code has been inserted(In your case you can put following code in Q7621)


var x = parseInt("${e://Field/Rx1Recode}");








You can try the survey where this code is applied -
@NiC Thank you so much for taking the time to provide me with this code! I'm going to test it out this evening and I'll let you know how it goes.

Edit: @NiC It works perfectly. Thanks again for your assistance! - This would have taken me ages to figure out if this forum didn't exist.

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