PDF exports for ALL responses | XM Community

PDF exports for ALL responses

  • 11 November 2017
  • 40 replies

Userlevel 4
In the Data & Analysis tab, you can export a single response to a PDF. Is there a way to export all responses to PDF instead of going through each one individually and saving and/or printing?

Best answer by Clint 20 November 2017, 23:29

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40 replies

Userlevel 5
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I would love to hear your solutions for this! I get asked this question frequently.
Userlevel 5
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@Goldie Have you tried creating an export of your data from the Reports tab? Using the Reports tab also allows you customize which of your data you want to show and how you show it (graph versus table, etc).
Userlevel 4
> @MichelleC said:
> @Goldie Have you tried creating an export of your data from the Reports tab? Using the Reports tab also allows you customize which of your data you want to show and how you show it (graph versus table, etc).

I'm actually just looking for PDFs for each individual, not an export of the aggregate report.
Userlevel 5
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@Goldie, I'm not an API expert, but it _looks_ like maybe using an API call would work. I found this information here: https://api.qualtrics.com/docs/response-exports.

Maybe @AnthonyR , who seems to be our local coding expert, could weigh in.
Userlevel 7
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> @MichelleC said:
> @Goldie, I'm not an API expert, but it _looks_ like maybe using an API call would work. I found this information here: https://api.qualtrics.com/docs/response-exports.
> Maybe @AnthonyR , who seems to be our local coding expert, could weigh in.

Unfortunately, the response-exports call in the api is for exporting the csv data, not for exporting individual pdf's of responses. AS far as I am aware, there isn't a way to programatically export each individual response.
Userlevel 4
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So, if you really wanted to automate this procedure, you'll have to get pretty technical. You'd probably need to create a script in Python where you would have the following:
1. Input Response ID's from the survey (easily obtained from a csv export)
2. The script would create the pdf URL for each Response ID which would be similar to - https://qualtrics.com/responses/legacy/responses/Response_ID/pdf?orientation=Portrait&pageSize=Letter&surveyId=Survey_ID - You would be able to get this URL by looking at a single response.
3. The script would then download each response PDF into a folder prior to moving onto the next Response ID.

Sounds like some fun for IT/Developer.
Userlevel 4
> @Clint said:
> So, if you really wanted to automate this procedure, you'll have to get pretty technical. You'd probably need to create a script in Python where you would have the following:
> 1. Input Response ID's from the survey (easily obtained from a csv export)
> 2. The script would create the pdf URL for each Response ID which would be similar to - https://qualtrics.com/responses/legacy/responses/Response_ID/pdf?orientation=Portrait&pageSize=Letter&surveyId=Survey_ID - You would be able to get this URL by looking at a single response.
> 3. The script would then download each response PDF into a folder prior to moving onto the next Response ID.
> Sounds like some fun for IT/Developer.

Thanks for walking me through that process Clint...bonus points to anyone who can help set this one up 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
> @Goldie said:
> > @Clint said:
> > So, if you really wanted to automate this procedure, you'll have to get pretty technical. You'd probably need to create a script in Python where you would have the following:
> > 1. Input Response ID's from the survey (easily obtained from a csv export)
> > 2. The script would create the pdf URL for each Response ID which would be similar to - https://qualtrics.com/responses/legacy/responses/Response_ID/pdf?orientation=Portrait&pageSize=Letter&surveyId=Survey_ID - You would be able to get this URL by looking at a single response.
> > 3. The script would then download each response PDF into a folder prior to moving onto the next Response ID.
> >
> > Sounds like some fun for IT/Developer.
> Thanks for walking me through that process Clint...bonus points to anyone who can help set this one up :)

Hadn't even considered this. Hmm. I may take a crack at this when I have some time!
Did anyone resolve this yet? It seems like a simple function--especially since other (less powerful) software solutions offer this functionality (SurveyMonkey, for example).
Userlevel 6
Badge +5
I don't think this would work retroactively, but for future projects you could set up an email trigger that emails you a PDF report each time a survey is completed
> @Clint said:
> So, if you really wanted to automate this procedure, you'll have to get pretty technical. You'd probably need to create a script in Python where you would have the following:
> 1. Input Response ID's from the survey (easily obtained from a csv export)
> 2. The script would create the pdf URL for each Response ID which would be similar to - https://qualtrics.com/responses/legacy/responses/Response_ID/pdf?orientation=Portrait&pageSize=Letter&surveyId=Survey_ID - You would be able to get this URL by looking at a single response.
> 3. The script would then download each response PDF into a folder prior to moving onto the next Response ID.
> Sounds like some fun for IT/Developer.

I was able to create individual links to the PDF using the link format mentioned. However it requires login into Qualtrics when opening the link in a browser, so it might need an active session and cookies?

I have tried using Requests package to post my credentials, but the response I got is still an HTML page instead of PDF. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks!
Hi everyone,
Was this issue resolved?
I am moving over from Survey Monkey where I downloaded each/all responses as a PDF showing me the actual completed survey by each respondent.
I am collecting student preferences, not researching data, so a CSV export is tedious.

I've found the only work-around is going to the reports tab, viewing each response by clicking on the clipboard and then copy and paste to a word doc to save or print.......

Tedious but at least its do-able but a quicker 'Export all responses in pdf' feature would be great

I'd appreciate any tips
> @SandyH said:
> Hi everyone,
> Was this issue resolved?
> I am moving over from Survey Monkey where I downloaded each/all responses as a PDF showing me the actual completed survey by each respondent.
> I am collecting student preferences, not researching data, so a CSV export is tedious.
> I've found the only work-around is going to the reports tab, viewing each response by clicking on the clipboard and then copy and paste to a word doc to save or print.......
> Tedious but at least its do-able but a quicker 'Export all responses in pdf' feature would be great
> I'd appreciate any tips
> Thanks

I would also like an update to Sandy's inquiry! At the moment I'm in qualtrics and cannot find a way to download PDF of a completed survey for each individual. Aggregated data, and excel spreadsheet is no good for the surveys I've created, which are actually 'applications'...
If you go to 'Data & Analysis' you can create a PDF of each respondents completed survey by clicking the drop down arrow on 'Actions' (far right of the columns titled Recorded Data), and then exporting to PDF. It'll create the full PDF of the responses, which is exactly what I needed.> @SandyH said:
> Hi everyone,
> Was this issue resolved?
> I am moving over from Survey Monkey where I downloaded each/all responses as a PDF showing me the actual completed survey by each respondent.
> I am collecting student preferences, not researching data, so a CSV export is tedious.
> I've found the only work-around is going to the reports tab, viewing each response by clicking on the clipboard and then copy and paste to a word doc to save or print.......
> Tedious but at least its do-able but a quicker 'Export all responses in pdf' feature would be great
> I'd appreciate any tips
> Thanks

Sandy: If you go to 'Data & Analysis' you can create a PDF of each respondents completed survey by clicking the drop down arrow on 'Actions' (far right of the columns titled Recorded Data), and then exporting to PDF. It'll create the full PDF of the responses, which is exactly what I needed.

I'm looking for an answer to a variation of Sandy's original question

I would like to have a PDF of individual responses but to be able to remove certain questions / answers from appearing

I've found how I can obtain the complete individual report and how I can nominate individual questions / answers in the collated PDF report, but I want certain information as a PDF for the aspects of one person's responses and not a collated report of all responses

At the moment I have to download as .csv, create a mail merge document in Word (selecting the individual questions / answers required, merge the data, "save as" in Word, "save as" in PDF, split the PDF into separate documents, change the file name on each separated file to reflect the name of the person to receive the responses that are about them. The rest of questions / answers that are about our service go off to someone else to analyse, hence why not all questions / answers in the survey are to be seen by individuals

Any ideas how a nominate set of question / answer of one person's responses can be PDF'd?

I'm looking for an answer to a variation of Sandy's original question

I would like to have a PDF of individual responses but to be able to remove certain questions / answers from appearing

I've found how I can obtain the complete individual report and how I can nominate individual questions / answers in the collated PDF report, but I want certain information as a PDF for the aspects of one person's responses and not a collated report of all responses

At the moment I have to download as .csv, create a mail merge document in Word (selecting the individual questions / answers required, merge the data, "save as" in Word, "save as" in PDF, split the PDF into separate documents, change the file name on each separated file to reflect the name of the person to receive the responses that are about them. The rest of questions / answers that are about our service go off to someone else to analyse, hence why not all questions / answers in the survey are to be seen by individuals

Any ideas how a nominate set of question / answer of one person's responses can be PDF'd?
Userlevel 6
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Has anyone submitted this as a Product Idea? I'd like to vote for it
Userlevel 3
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Hi - in previous responses, someone mentioned the URL:
1. Input Response ID's from the survey (easily obtained from a csv export)
2. The script would create the pdf URL for each Response ID which would be similar to - https://qualtrics.com/responses/legacy/responses/Response_ID/pdf?orientation=Portrait&pageSize=Letter&surveyId=Survey_ID

Has someone developed such a script and did it work?
Does anyone have examples of the suggested URL (in point 2 above)?

Badge +2

This probably doesn't help move the conversation forward much, but I will add that the earliest versions of Qualtrics indeed had this feature -- bulk download of response pdfs. My colleague and I were reminiscing about it last year.
We remember guessing the feature was likely removed because it was so easy to use, ha! But seriously, you could click a button and run a job that would create a massive zip file -- likely unsustainable at scale back then... but now?
Updating the Data & Analysis page has always been slower than it feels like it should be... 60+ seconds to generate even the simplest table with a single row. Something about the job queue seems under-resourced.
Even if it was the kind of bulk-action that had to run overnight, or if you could only create x-number of PDFs at a time (limit to visible responses?), it would be a well-appreciated enhancement.

Badge +2

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/7768#Comment_7768I think this "legacy" may be obsolete now. I have been digging around in the code to see if I can find the new URL for generating a PDF for a specific survey response. If anyone already has a non-legacy URL, we'd appreciate you sharing it here. I'll do the same, Thanks!

If I understand SandyH's request correctly and dperpich's comment, our university is in agreement and would like a way to export every recorded response found in a survey as a PDF in bulk process so that we don't have to export each response individually. Thank you, Sharon  


Any updates on ability to bulk export responses in PDF vs individually?

Is there any update by now to bulk export responses as individual PDFs?

There hasn't been updates to my knowledge. Someone on my team is presently having to export over 700 responses individually and then collate them into a single PDF for a scientific journal.
This seems like very low hanging fruit and potentially a very powerful solution. Qualtrics please!

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