Piping in answers from a matrix and changing commas | XM Community
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I need help piping in answers from a matrix (entire rows of selected choices) into text. At the same time, I want the list to not be comma spiced but rather with a slash. Can someone help me with this?
dropping this link here for other users to find considering the very similar topics. https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/198/how-to-change-the-separator-for-piped-text#latest
> @Libertywick said:

> dropping this link here for other users to find considering the very similar topics. https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/198/how-to-change-the-separator-for-piped-text#latest


It's useful only if your entire text is short, you are fine with a text break in between, and you don't have any other commas. Here is another topic that will change only the commas in your piped texts (as long as they're not in matrixes): https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/3531/how-to-change-the-separator-for-piped-text-only#latest
Hello @Kai_Chizuru ,

We can use the steps and code of this post with following two changes in the code:

1. Replace div to span

2. "<br>" to "/"
Thank you Shashi!

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