Qualtrics not passing cookies through iFrame? | XM Community
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I’m pretty new to Qualtrics and not experienced with iFrames, so bear with me.

My survey embeds a custom map (OpenLayers with Django backend) hosted on my server. The iFrame loads and I’m able to click through and interact with the map. I’m using URL parameters to pass the survey response ID into the backend application, so that all works fine as far as it goes.

The problem is that the session logic isn’t working right. Cookies that are supposed to keep continuity during the session aren’t being set, so the embedded site doesn’t work correctly. When the map page isn’t embedded, everything works. But the server acts like every click is like a different session.

My browser lists the right cookies in the debug console, but the server isn’t getting them from the client through the iFrame. I can’t tell if this is a limitation of Qualtrics or just the way iFrames work.

I think my next step is embedding the information my views need in the URL parameters to remove the ambiguity, but it’s annoying.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

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