random selection of lowest rated statements | XM Community
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I am new to Qualtrics and I have a survey with the following:


How would you rate your financial planner on each of the following statements:


Q8a. Being available at times convenient for you

Q8c. Being sensitive to your personal situation

Q8d. Listening carefully to your questions and concerns

Q8e. Demonstrating a warm and caring attitude

Q8g. Advising you about the right investment products and services for your needs

Q8i. Explaining financial matters in a way that you could understand

Q8j. Acting in your best interests

Q8k. Asking appropriate questions to understand your needs

Q8l. Being familiar with your accounts and business at RBC

Q8n. Discussing topics other than just advice on investing

Poor Superior Not Applicable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

[PROGRAMMER: If respondent rated 1-6 on any of Q8a to Q8n, ask Q9 based on specific question. If a tie for lowest score, select at random.]

Q9. Earlier you gave a rating of [score] for [attribute]. What could your Financial Planner do to improve their performance in that area?


Basically, I have to determine the lowest rating (1-6) and then see which statements match the lowest rating value. If there is only one, then the one statement is selected. If there is more than one, then randomly select among those that match the lowest rating value. (see programmer instruction before Q9).
You'll have to pipe all your ratings into either a web service or JavaScript that determines and sets embedded variables for the attribute you want to ask about. Personally, I would opt for a web service script unless it is in a loop & merge block in which case you would have to use JavaScript.
@joemp - There are a few ways to achieve this without JavaScript. I demonstrated one of the ways in the attached .qsf (qualtrics save file a.k.a. a survey I built to demonstrate this). Save the .qsf and upload it as a new survey to understand what I did.

A couple of things - You only wanted to display a question for the respondent to provide feedback for only one of the categories they may have rated low. I would not recommend this and would either ask for feedback in all areas they rated low _or_ ask for feedback on how their performance could be improved agnostic of their rating. Not only is this by far the easiest to program, you also avoid potentially loaded question wording.

In any event, please refer to the .qsf for further explanation. Note - most of the programming is done in the survey flow section.

Feel free to PM if you have any questions.

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