Response delay problem with timer on Qualtrics | XM Community
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I need each trial to appear for only 2 sec, during which the participants need to give the response. If the answer is given, the screen will move on to the next trial. If no answer is given within 2 sec, the screen also moves on to the next trial.

But I noticed a problem on qualtrics:

When a participant answers a trial at, say, 2001 ms. She is actually in the 2nd trial (because the time limit is 2000ms for each trial). But it seems that Qualtrics' screen is delayed: it is still at the first trial. So the participant thinks she's answering the 1st trial, while she's answering for the 2nd. And when the 2nd trial appears, it immediately advances to the 3rd trial (because the participant just answered the 2nd trial).

I'd like to know how to fix this delay problem.
Just put a page with a question between each trial that says something like "Preparing next trial" and auto advances after a few seconds.
Hello @daweibai ,

If you have one question on each page then you can use timer question in every page and auto advance after two seconds.

You can un-check show timer option so the respondent cannot see the timer

Also, Question randomization will disable any page breaks you have set up, and so are not recommended for use with timing questions. Page breaks set in the Look & Feel also do not work well with timing questions.

Please follow this page for using timer question


You can put js(onready) in each question:

`setTimeout(function () {jQuery('#NextButton').click();},2000);`


If you have auto-advance feature in every page(i.e from first question to last) then you can also paste the above code in look and feel -> advanced -> header(edit)-> html view in script tag

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