Select only three options in a single question more than once in one page | XM Community
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Hey guys!

I have this code that is to select three options in a multiple choice question, but I noticed that it applies to a WHOLE PAGE instead of just the specific question. What can I do to chaange this code so that it is only for a specific question?

this.questionclick = function(event,element){

var selectedchoice=this.getSelectedChoices();


jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" input:checkbox:not(:checked)" ).attr("disabled", true);


jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" input:checkbox:not(:checked)" ).attr("disabled", false);

var lastChecked;

var $checks = jQuery('input:checkbox').click(function(e) {

var numChecked = $checks.filter(':checked').length;

if (numChecked > 3) {

lastChecked.checked = false;


lastChecked = this;




Select Answers Range on the editing pane to the right of the question.

@akshay11 I have the validation, but I don't want them to be able to even select more than three options. I don't want them to be able to select 4/5 and then have an error show up
instead of code select answer range like atleast 1 and no more than 3. Remove this code completely.
@bansalpeeyush29 thanks, but I don't want the options to be all clickable. I want the respondent to only be able to click on THREE but on multiple quesitons in the same page.
Hello @GabrielRibeiro ,

Paste the following code in the js(onLoad) of the question where you require that validation and replace Question id with your question id: for eg from #QID37 to #QID7 if your question id is QID7

var lastChecked;

var $checks = jQuery('#QID37 input:checkbox').click(function(e) {

var numChecked = $checks.filter(':checked').length;

if (numChecked > 3) {

lastChecked.checked = false;


lastChecked = this;


Note: I think You have merged two codes in the question, the above will work for you
Hello @GabrielRibeiro ,

And this code works fine if you paste it in the js(onLoad) of the required question:

this.questionclick = function(event,element){

var selectedchoice=this.getSelectedChoices();


jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" input:checkbox:not(:checked)" ).attr("disabled", true);


jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" input:checkbox:not(:checked)" ).attr("disabled", false);


@Shashi for some reason your code doesn't work to limit the selection in the question. I'm going to upload a dummy example here so you can see what I need! Thank you very much
> @Shashi said:

> Hello @GabrielRibeiro ,


> And this code works fine if you paste it in the js(onLoad) of the required question:


> this.questionclick = function(event,element){

> var selectedchoice=this.getSelectedChoices();

> if(selectedchoice.length==3){

> jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" input:checkbox:not(:checked)" ).attr("disabled", true);

> }else{

> jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" input:checkbox:not(:checked)" ).attr("disabled", false);

> }

> }




Hello @GabrielRibeiro ,

Good if you upload the dummy example.

Hope you are using the above code to limit the user.

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