Set MC value to false in a Side-by-Side question | XM Community
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Hello all,

At the moment I'm struggling with a Side-by-Side question. In the first column I have two subcolumns where a name and emailaddress can be keyed in. In the second column I have a Multiple Choice option for Yes or No. This works so far.

Now I want to retake the response and want to set all options the second column to 'False' (= empty) in stead of displaying the selected choise of the previous response. In the screenshot below it's the column 'Send e-mail?' should all be empty. Or the column 'No' should be selected by default.


How can this be done? What Javascript should I use?

I've tried this with:

this.setChoiceValue(1, 1, false);

but this did not work.

Thanks in advance
Hi @Nico_Leussink

@"w.patrick.gale" had a post about this here where he changed the radio buttons to drop-downs to get around the difficulty in the Q JFE. His original post is here. Also linked back to the post with a detailed explanation here.

This should get you up and going. If the post helps throw him an upvote.

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