Setting up a customised report | XM Community
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Just want to ask if it is possible to change the default settings in the Report, for instance:

1. In an open-ended question (i.e. comments), is it possible that the default would always have a column for name of who made the comment

2. For a question with 1 to 5 rating, the Metric should always be Mean instead of Choice Count which is the default

3. Default decimal place should always be 1 instead of 2

Is it possible that these settings be applied on a particular division only?

I appreciate your comments. Thank you.
The only one of these you can do is set decimals to display only 1, not 2. To do this in the Report sections, click the gear in the top right then select "Report Settings".
Hi Akdashboard. Thanks for your response but what I would like is for the above settings to be the default, rather than changing each parameter everytime I create a report.
@Akdashboard is correct. The only option you listed that can be set as a default is the decimal places. All of the other setting you mentioned will need to be manually applied on each graph/chart in the report.
I see. Thanks for your responses @Akdashboard and @uhrxx005. Much appreciated.
It would be great if you could apply default settings based on question type. I requested this feature around a year ago but unfortunately I still don't see it anywhere on the roadmap. I would recommend putting in a feature request. If more of us request it, then it might get done eventually.

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