Unfold new statement upon click on another statement in multiple choice question | XM Community
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Is there a way to unfold statements within the same multiple choice question when another statement is selected?

I’ve tried to use display logic on the new statements but it does not work.


@Ablenya Display logic doesn’t work within the page. A drilldown question might be the one you’re looking for.


It can be done with JavaScript.  If you are interested I have a function, mcSubChoices, that does it.

Thanks, the mcSubchoices seem to be the right answer for it!
I am, however, completely new to Javascript. May I ask you to give me an example on how to create the parent choice and subchoices within the function?

Thanks, the mcSubchoices seem to be the right answer for it!
I am, however, completely new to Javascript. May I ask you to give me an example on how to create the parent choice and subchoices within the function?

If you are interested in using mcSubChoices you need to contact by by private message.

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