Using Javascript to controll customer validation in different questions. | XM Community
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I’m creating an assesment and audit tool with qualtrics with 500+ question items. Each participant has only to answer a few of these questions but they have always the same question type: “Yes”, “No”, “not appliciable” and an open text field, which is mandatory if “not applicable” was selected. All questions are mandatory. The question typ is a side-by-side-question.

In the moment I´m controlling the validation via custom validations (clicking it together for each question). It´s a huge effort, but a way to build a solid solution. Thinking about changes is a nightmare.

But I thought about a solution which is capable to control the validation for all of the questions at a central point and thought about JS with a global variable. I tried different approaches with ChatGPT, but I was not capable to implement the code correctly. Problems were the right question option IDs, I think. And it was also a solution without a central variable, just using the same code.

Can anybody give me an example for 

  1. Creating a global variable/code block/method, where changes will be have impact on all connected questions. Perhaps over the header instead of the JS field?
  2. A basic stucture for correct Custome Validations in JS


Solved via implementing a java script in the layout header.

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