Voice capture feature | XM Community
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We need a functionality that records the voice of the participants when reading a list of words. I can't find such an option in the menu – does it have to be integrated? Is this possible?

I apologize if this is not the right place to post the question - I couldn't find any info when searching on this.
I don't know if it is possible. You would have to integrate it as there is not built-in functionality in Qualtrics. See Using the Mediastream Recording API. Browser support is limited (Chrome and Firefox). The issue is once you get it to record, I don't know how you would get the resulting blob to upload as a file through a Qualtrics File Upload question.
Thank you for your answer!

I've been considering whether it could be possible to create a sort of add-on to use in our survey, but there are several challenges; the audio recording should start automatically when the participant starts a timed reading task and end when the task is completed. We don't want the participant to have to actively record or upload audio, it has to be a feature built in to the task. I have no idea if this is possible, but I do think other survey creation platforms offer something of the sort..

Any links or suggestions are highly welcome 🙂
Hi @Tonje_1

This page from stack overflow might be helpful.

Also a much simpler option here would be to ask them to record and submit the audio file but i guess you might have considered that.
Excellent, thank you for the link!

Asking the participants to record and upload would change the nature of the task unfortunately and could affect the variable we are investigating 🙂

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