Where can I find whether participants clicked on a link or not? | XM Community
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Where can I find whether participants clicked on a link or not?

  • February 16, 2021
  • 6 replies

I have read TomG's responses to the questions on this page: https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/2809/track-whether-a-link-is-clicked-in-qualtrics-even-a-respondent-leaves-for-the-opened-new-page. They were very helpful, thank you for that!
However, I still have some problems with tracking whether a participant has clicked on the link or not.
Ideally I would like to code whether someone has clicked as '1', and someone who has not clicked as '0'. How can I do this in Qualtrics? Or otherwise: how and where can I see the differences between those who clicked and those who didn't?
Screenshots of my survey flow and JS:

Best answer by JoycaV


In your survey flow, you should put "clicked = 0" instead of "Clicked = 1". (also make sure you respect the same capitalization in the survey flow as in your javascript).
What the javascript does is the following:
When the link is clicked, the embedded data field "clicked" is set to "1".
So all those who clicked, will get the value 1.
That means, if you want all people who did not click, to have the value "0", then 0 must be your default value. That's what you do in the survey flow.
As en example, here is a flow:
MisterX opens your survey.
The first block in your survey flow is the Embedded data, where you set the field "clicked" to 0.
So right now, MisterX will have clicked = 0
Now, MisterX clicks your link.
Because of the javascript, the value of "clicked" for MisterX will now change to "1".


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QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • QPN Level 4 ●●●●
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  • Answer
  • February 16, 2021


In your survey flow, you should put "clicked = 0" instead of "Clicked = 1". (also make sure you respect the same capitalization in the survey flow as in your javascript).
What the javascript does is the following:
When the link is clicked, the embedded data field "clicked" is set to "1".
So all those who clicked, will get the value 1.
That means, if you want all people who did not click, to have the value "0", then 0 must be your default value. That's what you do in the survey flow.
As en example, here is a flow:
MisterX opens your survey.
The first block in your survey flow is the Embedded data, where you set the field "clicked" to 0.
So right now, MisterX will have clicked = 0
Now, MisterX clicks your link.
Because of the javascript, the value of "clicked" for MisterX will now change to "1".


Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
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  • February 16, 2021

Rename the embedded data as 'clicked' (small c) in survey flow and its value to 0 in survey flow instead of 1.
So if someone clicks for them the value will be updated to 1 else it will remain 0.

  • Author
  • 1 reply
  • February 16, 2021

Thank you both very much, I think it works now!
JoycaV, special thanks to your flow example. Very clear.


FYI, if anyone needs a visual, I made a YouTube video for how to do this (i.e., tracking whether someone clicked a link). 

Here's the video:


  • 2 replies
  • March 6, 2024

I’m finding that this all works well for most of my internal survey testing. But when one of my colleagues tests my survey, the links that he clicks are inconsistently recorded. I’ve watched him click links, have those links take him to external sites in new browser windows, and finish the survey -- and then when I check the data, I see “0”’s where there should be “1’s.” 

So far I haven’t found anything that distinguishes him from everyone else for whom it’s working consistently (Mac vs. Windows, web browser, incognito mode). Can anyone think of another potential explanation for his links being inconsistently recorded? 


QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
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  • September 2, 2024

Just wanted to link the solution for simple layout here as well.