Why embedded variables are not vreated and piped in using Mobile view? | XM Community
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Why embedded variables are not created and piped in using the Mobile view in Qualtrics Preview Mode?




I am creating embbeded variables with java script. I am testing that this variables are piped in the questions where I decide to. From Preview mode, using the arrows to submit a response I saw that I created and piped in the embbeded variable in the correct place. But if I turn on the mobile view and use the arrows there to submit the response, the embbeded variable is not piped in the question. Why this happens and how can I resolve?


I am using the follow code to get the response. 


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnPageSubmit(function() {

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" input:checked").each(function(i) {


My thinking is that the submit button not applies for mobile view. Is that correct? How to make that even in the mobile view I can piped the embbeded variable using its submit buttons?






Yes, Qualtrics behaves differently in mobile view  But on actual mobile the JS works perfectly. 

Hope it helps!

You could try testing with the anonymous link on a mobile device to ensure the piped text is working correctly there. Just make sure to delete your test responses after. 

I hope you have created embbeded variable in the surveyflow as well. Also, I would suggest checking on your actual mobile phone instead of using the mobile view option on the desktop.

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