Create a field that shows a '1' if at least one of previous 4 questions was answered with 'OBSERVED' and not 'NOT OBSERVED' | XM Community
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We’ve set up a survey that our coaches complete after completing an observation on site.  They’re given a list of behaviours and for each one (each question) they’re asked to select either ‘OBSERVED’ (coded 1) or ‘NOT OBSERVED’ (coded 2) for each one.  The behaviours can all be grouped into Elements that we want to analyse the data by.  Each element is made up of 4 or 5 of the behaviours.  I’m now trying to work out how to create a field for each element that shows a ‘1’ if they observed at least one of the 4 or 5 behaviours so I can show a count per element in my dashboard, and also calculate percentages out of all observations for each element.  I’ve tried creating custom metrics in the dashboard but nothing allows me to put in the equivalent of the equation such as if(sum of statements is 8 THEN 0 OTHERWISE 1).


Anyone have an idea how I might be able to set this up?

I would do this in Survey Flow on the survey itself through branch logic and embedded data field. 

AH yes of course, thanks!

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