How do you automate survey results/feedback scores on your intranet? | XM Community
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We have an Intranet, where we would like to publish some aggreggrated results (e.g. avg. customer satisfaction across 5 surveys) into one score, which could then be shown on Sharepoint 365 intranet.

Is this possible in any way? Does the report function support multiple surveys in 1 report? Or anyway Vocalize can publically show a dashboard without user login required?

You can't use the report function to add results from multiple project together (unfortunately) and there isn't a way to make a public Vocalize dashboard. My first question is, do you need the 5 surveys to really be separate surveys or could you build it in a way that the 5 surveys are actually the same "project" and each "survey" is a block within the project that uses branching logic to display the appropriate survey based on display logic. If you can do this, then you can combine the 5 metrics you want in to a single embedded data field that you can report on using the report function.
Thanks Akdashboard!

Thing is, we use Qualtrics as the engine for our global CX program. Meaning that we have many different touchpoints online/offline where we get instant feedback from customers and these are analyzed and aggregated into a customer effort score, which we want to show as 1 KPI on our intranet.

We can't unfortunately merge all these "surveys" into one, as these has many different logics, rules, embedded data, triggers, actions etc etc. which simply needs each their own survey.

I assume my only way is to process this manually with screenshot from Vocalize 😞

Thanks anyways!
@AbdulDezkam - I am facing a similar issue and would love to be able to automate the process. Please share if you come up with anything.
@Akdashboard @AbdulDezkam do either of you have the API? These are pretty simple tasks with the API and knowledge of R or Python.
@RTSullivan - I do have the API, I am just not familiar with R or Python. Would love to learn though.
Teaching R or Python is a bit out of scope for this forum. However, if you follow this and get R & RStudio installed you can install the Tidyverse and QualtRics packages. With those it is very easy to set a scheduled task using the scheduleR or cronR (depending on windows or linux) package that regularly downloads the survey results. is a great resource for R & Python lessons.

If you can get that far, I can share some code snippets to help you automate the downloads.

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