Response rates for surveys distributed from "action" tab salesforce link | XM Community
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Hi everyone

I'm a new Qualtrics user looking for some very specific help!

I have a transaction NPS methodology in our business and there are 14 surveys triggered based on specific events or interactions - these are all triggered via workflow rules in Salesforce which link to actions (setup on the action tab of the relevant survey).

I cannot find a way to be able to report on or create a dashboard to show the response rates either per survey or overall. The distribution reporting in dashboards appears to only be based on distributions set up from the distributions tab on the surveys.

Anyone have any ideas?


Do you have target audience? I have a really similar transactional survey system set up; I _need_ Target audience to be able to even try to get at completion rates. As you noticed, the Distribution tab only shows one person at a time. Target Audience at leasts allows you to assign "Mailing Lists" and pull mailing lists stats.

That being said, TA is even really limited. The longer you run the survey, the less able to are to track completion rates as customers move from touchpoint to touchpoint. Although I understand the Qualtrics team is working on some new tech to help with this issue.

You can get better information with TA. But Right now Qualtircs isn't well suited to tracking completion rates with the SF integration.

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