Copying Last Year's Experience Survey | XM Community
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I've just copied over last year's experience survey and am looking to use it as a template for this years.

Does anyone know how to test for different audience types? Wanting make sure that each audience type gets the right questions.
Hi @Arti_Reddy0

Assuming you are determining your audience type based on embedded data from your contact list. If this is the case I think the easiest method is to use a preview link and appended your embedded data field(s) and value(s) to the link. This will mock up what you would get from the survey once it is sent.

To get the preview link, grab the url when using the preview tool in the survey builder. Since the preview url already contains the variable Q_CHL=preview you would append an &YourEmbeddedFieldName=YourEmbeddedFieldValue. You would create one of these 'test' links for each of your respondent types.

A good support page with info on testing with the preview link can be found here.

I would also recommend taking a subset of your real contacts (one for each response type) and creating a test mailing list replacing out the contact email address with your own. This will count against your number of real survey completes, but is a good end-to-end test (and worth doing in my opinion).
Hi @Arti_Reddy0! To add on to the great advice from @Rich_Boits_Walker, you might also find this page helpful.

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