How to duplicate a questionnaire | XM Community
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How to duplicate a questionnaire

Hi All,
I have built a very large questionnaire with a complicated survey flow. In Hebrew we have different forms of addressing male and female. The questionnaire was built in male form and I am now building a version of it that is intended for females. The questions are identical and the data will be processed together. I'm debating how to build it - one option is to copy the questionnaire and give separate links to boys and girls. A second option is to build F/M forms as a condition in the questionnaire, with any option leading to different blocks. In that case it will double the number of my variables in the data file (which currently stands on more than 1,000 variables), which will be a bit of an hassle on the SPSS side. Any pros or cons? Or maybe there is a better way to approach this?
I will be grateful for any idea


2 replies

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • March 20, 2021

Depending on how many words that require changes, one simple option would be to store the different forms in an embedded variable and then use this instead of the words. Example:
After determining the gender you create branches and in ED

you store either boy or girl, in ED
you store either his or her etc. Then in the questions you use
instead of boy/girl and
in place of his/her.
So the same survey can be used for both without an increase in the number of variables.

  • Author
  • 2 replies
  • March 20, 2021

Thanks ahmedA, thats a nice solution! Unfortunately I have to replace a very large number of words and sentences so I am afraid that working with ED will be too cumbersome. I will save your solution for another opportunity.

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