How do I show one metadata field in a heat map widget? | XM Community
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How do I show one metadata field in a heat map widget?

  • May 30, 2024
  • 1 reply


Hello! I am trying to create separate heatmaps for our department leaders. I only want them to see their own department’s heatmap column compared to Company Overall. I do NOT want them to see all of our departments’ heatmap columns. How do I set this up? I tried adding a filter, but it changed the data output. Thanks!

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  • Author
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 12 replies
  • January 30, 2025

Hi! I’m bumping my heatmap question again. :) 

We have metadata filters for departments and want to combine them into one column. For example, we have HR, IT, Accounting, and Admin in our Corporate group, so we would like to have one column that represents Corporate in our heatmap vs. different columns for each department (our “n” is so low that three of the four departments don’t display in the heatmap as it is).

Is it possible to combine the metadata filters to display the data this way?  

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