I’m completely new to Qualtrics and to my current job, so I’m trying to catch up very quickly. I’m wondering if there is a way to use Qualtrics to set up employee performance reviews that allow for revisiting for progress monitoring. The ideal set up would include:
- Employee/supervisor ability to both add to an initial review (ie goals, indicators, etc.)
- Ability to revisit that goal periodically (1x/quarter) for progress, adding of any evidence of progress, etc. Ideally the employee can do that independently prior to a meeting with the supervisor, but they could add notes together or the supervisor could also add feedback that would be visible to the employee.
- Privacy - A supervisor has access to his/her direct reports, but they can’t see each other's information.
Again, because I’m new I’m trying to watch the support videos, but I don’t want to be chasing a solution that isn’t there. Would appreciate any ideas/suggestions/feedback.