How to save a date field to salesforce | XM Community
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I can't get the date value when I select the year month and day. And selected choices was selected in my mapping
Double check to be certain that Qualtrics and SF are speaking the same language. EG: If sending a date code from Qualtrics, make sure the SF field in question is set up to receive a date code.

I had this problem when I first set up our integration. The fact of the matter is most things in Qualtrics just don't send the date code; SF needs to be set up to receive a string variable in all likelihood. The only item I every found to be able to pass in real date format were the actual date and time functions that the embedded data allow:


Maybe if you can share the specific use case, or the particular item you are having a problem sending, we may be able to better troubleshoot with you.
Kate, thanks for your response. I tried the way you suggested but It got the current Date or a specified date. But my date from a question in my survey:!

and it mapped to the salesforce field:


Could you give me other suggestions? Thank you so much.
Hey @annaWang! Check out this page about the possible date formats the Date field type will accept. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our Support team!

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