Clarifying the Impact of Making Edits to a Live MaxDiff | XM Community
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Clarifying the Impact of Making Edits to a Live MaxDiff

This support page states “Once a MaxDiff analysis is reset, the previous data is irretrievable.”
Does this mean that all previous data is deleted or merely not accessible on the MaxDiff Analysis page? Does “previous data” include both individual respondent maxdiff utility scores and data from the rest of the survey?
I have a maxdiff that's running live and has already collected data. I have some aesthetic changes that need to be made to some of the maxdiff items -- however, Qualtrics warns against making edits to a live maxdiff because (A) it could influence respondent choices in the maxdiff and (B) it will reset the MaxDiff Analysis page. However, I'm not worried about A and my team is using Tableau to analyze the data so I don't need B. Instead I merely need the individual respondent utility scores. So -- does anyone know more specifically what the impact of editing a live maxdiff is in terms of what happens to the previous data? I basically just need to know whether the raw data remains intact or if it gets deleted from the project.

Best answer by AmaraW

Hi Hildy - it looks like you were able to reach out to our Support team about this one and they provided the following response:

If you have collected responses in your MaxDiff project already, then making any edits to the Overview section (including changing wording or adding/removing features) will "invalidate" the data - this means that the responses will still show in the Data & Analysis tab, but they will no longer be able to be analyzed in the MaxDiff Reports section or the TURF simulator, and there isn't a way to revert back to a previous version to fix that once the changes are made.

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Former XM Community Team Member
  • Former XM Community Team Member
  • May 24, 2021

Hi Hildy - it looks like you were able to reach out to our Support team about this one and they provided the following response:

If you have collected responses in your MaxDiff project already, then making any edits to the Overview section (including changing wording or adding/removing features) will "invalidate" the data - this means that the responses will still show in the Data & Analysis tab, but they will no longer be able to be analyzed in the MaxDiff Reports section or the TURF simulator, and there isn't a way to revert back to a previous version to fix that once the changes are made.


Is there a way to analyze MaxDiff data outside of the built-in Qualtrics program? Or can I import my MaxDiff data into qualtrics to run a MaxDiff analysis?
Context: I ran a MaxDiff survey and had to republish it midway through data collection, and unfortunately the only way I found to do that (survey approver survey) was to make a tiny change to a feature in the MaxDiff and then to change it back. This unfortunately reset the MaxDiff analysis, and now I can only run the analysis with data collected since the republishing. I tried importing the dataset into a copied survey, but the data doesn't load into the MaxDiff like it normally does. Any ideas? Is there another way to analyze it?

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