Group / Rank - want to output question data to ONE .xls Card. (rather than one for each attribute.. | XM Community
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Hi Using the grouping function for ranking questions (Drag and drop 3 attributes from a list of 10 into a box). It's creating a .xlsx card for each of the 10 attribute choices , which creates a tremendous headache of having to cut and pasting all 10 worksheets into one in order to create charts. Is there a better way to do this? Seems crazy that the data for a single question wouldn't be organized into a single excel worksheet. The data is grouped comma delimeted when downloading the whole .csv file... Thanks!
Hey @Tom_R! Information regarding how your data should export for a Pick, Group and Rank question type can be found on this page! If this is not what you see, feel free to reach out to our Support team so they can take a closer look into this for you!

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