How do I analyze MaxDiff data if I made an edit while live? | XM Community
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How do I analyze MaxDiff data if I made an edit while live?


Is there a way to analyze MaxDiff data outside of the built-in Qualtrics program? Or can I import my MaxDiff data into qualtrics to run a MaxDiff analysis?
Context: I ran a MaxDiff survey and had to republish it midway through data collection, and unfortunately the only way I found to do that (survey approver survey) was to make a tiny change to a feature in the MaxDiff and then to change it back. This unfortunately reset the MaxDiff analysis, and now I can only run the analysis with new data collected since the republishing. I tried importing the dataset into a copied survey, but the data doesn't load into the MaxDiff like it normally does. Any ideas? Is there another way to analyze it? Or reset the maxdiff analysis program somehow?

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