Rank order anaylsis and reporting | XM Community
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Rank order anaylsis and reporting

Hi! I have a survey with a rank order question in it. I see the results in StatsIQ but I really don't know what to make of it or how to report my findings. I've looked through all the documentation and I still don't quite get how to understand or interpret the answer. I can figure out the percentage of people who want the first choice maybe but that is as far as I can figure out. Help please! I'm aware of this https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/editing-questions/question-types-guide/standard-content/rank-order/ but it still doesn't help. I might have a mental block. Thank you.

3 replies

  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 543 replies
  • August 7, 2019
I have this problem a lot. Rank order looks on paper like it is going to yield the insights you want, but in my experience it is really hard to communicatre to stakeholders. I have done it in two differnt ways in the past. 1- present stacked bar charts that show how often a category was placed in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd category. But what I DON'T Like is that this masks the overall n count. So I usually combine it with a starter question that is like "select what matters" THEN "rank order". ! Alterantivey, create a table that shows the row or column percents to show the distribution across the board. I like to use conditional formatting in excel to vusually represent the weights for ease of understanding. ! And for next time: try other question options to show prioritization data. https://www.surveyanalytics.com/max-diff/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjoint_analysis https://www.criticaltosuccess.com/how-to-create-a-static-four-quadrant-matrix-model-in-an-excel-chart/

  • 5 replies
  • March 21, 2024
Kate wrote:

I have this problem a lot. Rank order looks on paper like it is going to yield the insights you want, but in my experience it is really hard to communicatre to stakeholders.

I have done it in two differnt ways in the past. 1- present stacked bar charts that show how often a category was placed in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd category. But what I DON'T Like is that this masks the overall n count. So I usually combine it with a starter question that is like "select what matters" THEN "rank order".

Alterantivey, create a table that shows the row or column percents to show the distribution across the board. I like to use conditional formatting in excel to vusually represent the weights for ease of understanding.

And for next time: try other question options to show prioritization data.


I don’t really understand what I’m looking at or how to get to this point. Does anyone understand how she got here or how to use this data? I feel so frustrated that such a simply named question yields such useless and confusing results. I don’t want to have to interview people again.

  • 5 replies
  • March 22, 2024

Ok I put what I ended up doing here: 


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