Stats IQ: Inconsistent analysis results with pre-post | XM Community
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I am trying to run a paired difference analysis between some pre and post items. This is a matrix question with 6 different fields, and therefore I need to run 6 different analysis pairs (Ex. Relate Pre Q1_1 to Post Q1_1, Relate Pre Q1_2 to Post Q1_2, etc).

This seems to work for most of them, and I am getting language at the top saying "There is no statistical difference between." However, for one of the items, when I run the exact same analysis it does not provide any information on statistical significance. Instead it just says X "tends to be slightly larger than" Y. Any idea why running the same analysis on items from the same matrix could produce differing results like this?
Significance testing can differ on different variables. Like for comparison on pre_q1_1 and post_q1_1 , there will not be any significant differences in averages or the top2. while there can be slight difference for q1_2.

you can also run significance testing at different levels like 90% or 95%.

for relating data read this

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