When to use bucketing vs. other custom fields (combine, manual field) | XM Community
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When to use bucketing vs. other custom fields (combine, manual field)


Hello all, I'm new to Qualtrics. I am looking for advice about how to use bucketing or other related data grouping methods so that I can group responses to narrow down my analysis. Let me give a simple example. My survey asks respondents to identify their gender by checking all that apply among the following options: woman, man, transgender, non-binary, other, prefer not to say. I would like to group these into Cis Woman, Cis Man, and Other (due to very few responses from non-cisgendered people). I am concerned that bucketing will not work because the bucketed variable will only assign them to their first selected answer. This will not be a problem for someone who checked "man": this response will properly be bucketed into "man." But for a trans man who checked "man" AND "transgender", will there be a problem? Will he also get grouped with "man", even if he should be grouped into "other"?
Do experienced users have suggestions for other ways to go about grouping responses? I have several other responses that might be grouped in a similar way, and manually tagging them all seems inefficient and clunky. Thank you for your help.

2 replies


I have a similar question. I have an "Allow multiple answers" multiple choice question that lets people select A, B, or both. So three answers are possible: "A", "B", and "A,B". In my visualizations I want to lump responses into two groups, group 1 = "A" or "A,B" and group 2 = "B." Is there a way to create an embedded data field that uses logical operators on answers?

Level 1 ●
  • Level 1 ●
  • 6 replies
  • August 24, 2022

Hi, you should be able to use the "create or clean variable" option on the bottom left in green on Stats iQ. You can create the conditions you want under the new variable and name the new variable to differentiate it. You can then create subsequent variables with the remaining responses and then group based on those.
Same concept with the group 1= A or A,B and group 2= only b. Create the variables using those conditions.

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