Released On Or Before July 5, 2023
BX Dashboards
Filtering Dashboard Pages by Measure Groups: You can now filter BX Dashboard pages by measure group fields. Filtering by specific fields allows for widget consolidation, as fewer widgets are needed to display measure group data.
Customer Experience Programs: Create a program to organize surveys, dashboards, website feedback projects, and more into one cohesive container.
CX Dashboards
Custom Calendars: Customize time periods for your dashboard data, such as a fiscal week, month, quarter, or year.
Magnet® Submission Report: The Magnet® widget now allows you to export key charts and data for your ANCC submission packet. Support documentation is not yet available, and will be coming soon with additional widget enhancements.
Magnet® Widget: You can now use any custom date field in the Magnet widget’s setup (such as discharge date).
Twitter Widget Deprecation: You can no longer make new Twitter widgets. Existing Twitter widgets no longer display data.
Table Widget: You can now add up to 3 rows and columns to the table widget.
Adding Measure Groups to Subset Ratio Metrics: You can now add a measure group as a numerator or denominator within a subset ratio metric.
Response Ticker Widget (CX): The new Response Ticker Widget has an updated, simplified configuration panel. This widget is available in CoreXM and CX Dashboards.
Distribution Health Notification: This setting allows you to receive a weekly email summary of all recent distributions for a particular active survey, including the number of emails sent, failed, or bounced in the last week. This can be useful to see an overview of how effective your distributions are, and if there is anything you can do to improve them in the future.
Benchmark Editor (EX): The Engagement benchmark for EX dashboards has been refreshed with aggregated data from 2020-2022. Please note that the refreshed benchmark is not automatically applied to existing dashboards. To use the updated benchmark, go to the benchmark editor and select the updated Engagement benchmark.
Export Scores by Org Unit: Export a CSV spreadsheet containing all hierarchy units, along with their response count, question and category scores, comparisons, and benchmarks. This data can be useful for audits and quality assurance.
Printed Reports (EX & 360): You can now use piped text in the headers and footers of your 360 and EX reports.
Survey Platform
Quotas: Quotas have been redesigned to best meet ease-of-use and accessibility. They are now easier to find in the survey builder and save automatically without having to click a button. Quota dashboards have also been enhanced. Support pages will be published next week, on June 14, 2023.
New Ticket Owner Experience: The Tickets follow-up page has been redesigned with an updated ticket configuration, new metrics, and improved navigation. This feature will be gradually rolling out until the end of 2023.
XM Platform
Onboarding Checklists: Curated sets of videos, articles, subject matter expertise, and more in the Customer Success Hub, where you can mark your progress with your XM Platform journey.
XM Solutions
Guided Solutions: XM Solutions can now be found and enabled in the Extensions page.
Basic Transform Task: This task allows you to edit and validate your raw data automatically in order to export into your preferred format.
Delayed Start Workflows: Schedule a time period where a workflow should be temporarily held. This is especially useful if you want to pause a workflow automatically over a recurring holiday or outside of working hours.
Extract Contact List From HubSpot Task: This new workflows task allows you to simplify survey distributions by importing a contact list from HubSpot to use in a distribution.
HubSpot Task Updates: The user interface of this workflow task has been updated, and available HubSpot tasks have been consolidated. Contact Subscriptions and Custom Objects have also been added as additional HubSpot tasks.
Survey Language Selection in Survey Response Events: Now when you create workflows based on survey responses collected, you can decide what language to translate response data into.
Workflow and Task Failures: New setting for workflows that allows you to control if your workflow continues to run if one of its tasks fails.

Starting On & After July 12, 2023
Brand Administration
API Usage Admin Report: This report in the Admin tab provides API usage data, allowing admins to track and monitor the health and usage of API calls for their brand.
Mobile App SDK
Advanced Intercept Theming Capabilities: You can now override Qualtrics look and feel settings for Mobile App Prompt creatives and Embedded App Feedback creatives with your own SDK configuration. This allows your organization to provide a consistent branding experience across intercepts. For more SDK details, see the API documentation.
XM Directory
Single Profile Update to Experience ID Task: A new workflow task that lets you create or update a contact in XM Directory. Includes the ability to add transaction data and set subscription status for the contact.
XM Solutions
B2B Digital Channel Accelerator: This new guided solution includes automated solutions created with program design best practices for measuring the overall site experience, identifying reasons for digital abandonment, and optimizing the digital support experience.
Starting On July 19, 2023
Brand Administration
- Updated Active Sessions Page: The user interface of the Active Sessions tab has been updated. You can now rearrange and pin columns, and all active session details are displayed within the table.
Engagement Hierarchy Mapping Improvement: You can now pick between manager or team-based mappings, for higher auto-generation accuracy and viewing historical data that better meets your reporting needs. These options are available for both parent-child and level-based hierarchies. This feature will be rolling out between June 28 and July 19, 2023.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.
If you have any questions about the product updates featured in this list, our support team is happy to help you with your request.
If you have questions about what’s on the product roadmap, please see our Product Roadmap page. If you’d like to contribute to the product roadmap, please visit the Product Ideas category.
You can provide feedback on the Monthly Product Release Notes here.