Weekly Features - Released On Or Before October 11, 2023
Customer Success Hub
- Use My Services: Choices have been clarified and streamlined, and the user interface has been refreshed.
CX Dashboards
- Benchmark Editor (CX): The patient experience benchmark has been updated with data collected from the previous quarter.
Developer Portal
- Developer Portal: When building custom extensions in the developer portal, you can now use the JWT bearer grant type for extensions that use OAuth2 authentication.
- Pseudonymization Policy (EX): Location fields are no longer default anonymized fields when the psuedonymization policy is turned on. These fields can be added to the pseudonymization policy from the field selection.
- Delayed Start Workflows: You can now set workflows to always delay for a specified amount of time every time they’re triggered.
- SSH Key Generation for SFTP Workflows: When setting up a workflow task that uses an SFTP connection, you can use SSH authentication. This update allows you to generate SSH keypairs within the Qualtrics platform so you do not need to manage your own SSH keys. This update affects the extract data from SFTP files task and the load data into SFTP files task.
- ServiceNow Event: You can now download the Qualtrics Connection Manager as an app in ServiceNow. This app allows you to control which tables your users can access when creating a Qualtrics workflow.
XM Directory
- Spotlight Insights (CX) for Segments: Using spotlight insights to create XMD segments has been deprecated.

Weekly Features - Starting On & After October 18, 2023
XM Directory
- Updates to Creating Directories: When creating a new directory, directory admins can now choose between creating an XM Directory directory or an XM Directory Lite directory. Depending on your license, existing XMD Lite directories can also be converted to XM Directory directories.
Monthly Features - Starting On October 18, 2023
New Dashboard Experience: You’ll now be opted into the new dashboards experience by default, although you can switch back as needed. The new and improved experience includes a refreshed interface, simplified page management, more flexible navigation, better accessibility, and more! EX, BX, and CX dashboards are affected. Internal note: No date has been set yet for the retirement of Dashboards 1.0.
Unmoderated User Testing Question: This new question type allows survey participants to record and upload a video or audio recording that answers questions about the prototype or live website they are presented.
Enhanced Anonymity for Data Fields: This update introduces a simplified way to configure enhanced anonymity, including adding a new option to hide data points below the response threshold, improved terminology of anonymity field types, and improved logic when displaying sensitive data fields in widgets with other fields. This update will not change any dashboard data, however it may change the data groupings you see crossing multiple fields in widgets.
Heat Map Widget (EX): You can now compare breakouts to a historical data source.
- Add Attachments to Tickets: Ticket owners, users with edit access, and brand administrators are able to upload up to 10 files into tickets. This feature is only available in the new ticket owner experience.
- Ticket Filters: If you leave the follow-up page, the filters applied to that page will save and be automatically enabled when you return. This feature is only available in the new ticket owner experience.
XM Solutions
Audience Management Updates: Audience Management now includes a Panelist App, a centralized landing page where panelists can view all studies available to them. Brand Admins can customize this app and add individual surveys to it.
Guided Solutions: A new guided solution, the UX Research Card Sorting solution, has been added. This guided solution is designed to improve the user experience associated with websites, apps, or other products. Use this solution to help UX researchers learn how users think about their content, which enables UX designers to create products that are intuitive to their users.

*Disclaimer: The content provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.
If you have any questions about the product updates featured in this list, our support team is happy to help you with your request.
If you have questions about what’s on the product roadmap, please see our Product Roadmap page. If you’d like to contribute to the product roadmap, please visit the Product Ideas category.
You can provide feedback on the Weekly Product Release Notes here.