How can we get User ID ( the generated unique ID) of Users in qualtrics | XM Community
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How can we get User ID ( the generated unique ID) of Users in qualtrics

I imported 10K users and need to get the generated ID back so that I can fire update. Do we have a place where we can do this?

Getting all users thru API and iterating for id is the performance-intensive operation


Are you trying to find the user id for specific users? If so, use the list users api ( with the username parameter.
I am looking for exporting users with user id than retrieving user one by one

jophyjohn have you figured this one? I have the same problem...

I’m guessing there’s still no solution to this?

It would be wonderful if we could dump all users with username, user id and name, like we can dump all surveys with their survey id via admin reports.


API: List Users - - > Get User for each.

I do this almost every months to audit users and their cost centers. 

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