How to give out a limited number of gift card codes? | XM Community
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I'm distributing a survey and want to give out gift card codes to my participants. However, I only want to give out a limited number of codes and I cannot give the same code to more than one person. Is there any way to dynamically assign codes each time a user completes me survey? I've tried using a "quota count" to authenticate a user into the survey and give the code from there, but I realized that quotas are only incremented when a survey session completes, so this could end up with two people getting the same code!
Hi @Goldie! You could do this within Qualtrics, but to have a fail-safe setup, I would recommend using MTurk or the Tango Card integration! If you don’t have access to the Tango Card Task, you may need to ask permission. Contact your Brand Administrator to get the permission enabled for your account.

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