Moving from Research Contacts to XM Directory (lite) - incremental downloads | XM Community
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Moving from Research Contacts to XM Directory (lite) - incremental downloads

  • December 13, 2022
  • 1 reply


We have a large (can grow to over 100k) mailing list used as an authenticator for our surveys. For a number of reasons, we keep a clone of that list in a SQL table, so that internal processes don't always have to access the Qualtrics API.
With research core contacts, we were able to query the recipientID of the last record downloaded and use that as the skiptoken/starting point for the next download.
Is something like this possible with 'List Contacts In Mailing List' in XM Directory? I understand if we wanted to download the entire list how the skipToken link works, but it's not clear to me that saving the 'skipToken' link and then calling it next time we need to sync the clone always starts at the same spot.
Even if it does, there's still the issue of the 1-50 contacts downloaded in the call that results in a null for 'skipToken'.
Anyone else struggling with this, or better yet, found a workaround?

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  • Author
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 27 replies
  • December 19, 2022

After talking with Qualtrics Tech Support, I've determined that the XM Directory API won't be able to replicate our process. For many situations, it will, but in the case of an incremental download of a huge contact list, it won't. We are coming up with a new internal process.

The key differences were 1) the move to a qualtrics generated string instead of the last recipientID for the skipToken and 2) the order is no longer always the same. Mostly the same, but that's not good enough for the process we are trying to program.

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