Retrieving individual links from API-generated distribution (I get an error!) | XM Community
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Retrieving individual links from API-generated distribution (I get an error!)

  • 24 August 2021
  • 1 reply

Hello everyone!
I'm triying to retrieve some generated links from a distribution that was created using the Qualtrics API. I'm following closely this documentation page to generate the distribution links and then to retrieve them (Retrieve Generated Links). However, when I use this snippet (with my own distribution and mailing list):
curl -XGET -H "X-API-TOKEN: "
I get the following error:
image.pngDoes anyone have any idea on what might be going wrong?

Best answer by NiC

Hi jjennifer457 ,
Not sure what exactly may be wrong.
So the API identifies the user based on the value given on X - API token,
considering you are using X-API-Token could you check if you have access to the mailing list and the survey.
If the X-API token being used is someone else's account, the survey and the mailing list should be shared with that user.

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QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
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  • Answer
  • August 25, 2021

Hi jjennifer457 ,
Not sure what exactly may be wrong.
So the API identifies the user based on the value given on X - API token,
considering you are using X-API-Token could you check if you have access to the mailing list and the survey.
If the X-API token being used is someone else's account, the survey and the mailing list should be shared with that user.

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