Scoring a multiple choice question based on field in loop and merge | XM Community
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Using loop and merge I am randomly displaying images (100+) alongside a multiple choice question so that responders can indicate what they think the image is e.g., (1,2,3,4).

My struggle is, I would like to indicate to responders at the end how many of the images they correctly identified. Logically, it seems like this could be identified in loop and merge, so field 1 = the image, and field 2 = the correct answer, that could be fed to the score. i.e., if the chosen response = field 2 then score = 1.

This seems straightforward, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it, am I missing something?

Or, is this something I could add a line of code in JavaScript? I am not savvy with JavaScript syntax, but have implemented some suggestions from other comments in the past.

Thank you!
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