Using the API in PHP Web App to Get Survey Responses | XM Community
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Hi Community,

Anyone help me how to get survey responses using API in php web application?

I am getting below response when I test from Qualtrics API Page.

Hi @Kanchi! I edited your post to reattach your image with your API token and survey ID blurred out. We recommend keeping those details private so your survey is not compromised!
Thank you Emily
There are a few things here I think you can check to get on the right path to get this working.

* Make sure your user has API Access turned on in User Administration. My thought is that you do or you would not have been able to generate your API token, but worth checking to make sure it wasn't disabled.

* Make sure the survey you are trying to pull the response from has been shared with your user. This is a similar error to what you would receive if your user doesn't have access to the survey with the survey ID you are asking for.

* Ensure that you are replacing out the "yourdatacenterid" portion of the API call with your appropriate data center. From the message above it appears you will need to replace it with "au1".


should look like this in your call:

Thank you for your response Rich, I try and get back to you.

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