Average score % | XM Community
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Average score %

  • May 4, 2023
  • 1 reply


Hello, Qualtrics at the end of the survey displays a total score as a count and also as a percentage. Some of the questions are N/A and not scored. Hence, the denominator will be different for every response depending on answered chosen. I need to find out how can i display the % in the results. please see the picture below. I need to get to 30.3%. Sometimes  the score will be 34 out of 65. Or 24 out of 50. I can’t seem to figure out how to display the percentage score in the results. I have 70 questions in total. Some questions are N/A . Hence, the denominator changes. 


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Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 633 replies
  • May 5, 2023

Assuming all your questions on which scoring is dependent are single select questions. We can create a scoring category and put a score of one for each option which we need to consider in the metric of - questions attempted. Now use math operation to calculate the percentage using above scoring category result and the one with right answers.

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