Randomise / Randomize location of question within a survey | XM Community
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Randomise / Randomize location of question within a survey

  • October 23, 2023
  • 1 reply

Level 2 ●●


Not sure if this is possible, but thought I’d ask! If we have a question that is placed near / at the end of any given survey, is there any way to randomise the location of the question to appear in a different part of the survey i.e. 

Respondent 1 sees Question as the 8th question in the survey

Respondent 2 sees Question as the 1st question in the survey?


Wanted to know if there’s any way to achieve this without basically having 2 versions of the same Q, one set at the beginning and the other at the end of the survey. Question randomisation within a block won’t work as we don’t want to fully randomise the location of the Q, it either has to be at the front or end of the survey, nowhere inbetween. 


1 reply

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 633 replies
  • October 23, 2023

Put question in a separate block. In the begining using randomizer set an embeeded data ‘displayAtBeginning’ either 0 or 1. If 1 then show block at beginning else show it before end of survey.

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