What is the best way to bring in external data into a survey question/embedded data | XM Community
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What is the best way to bring in external data into a survey question/embedded data

  • November 8, 2023
  • 1 reply

Level 2 ●●

Hello everyone,

We’re looking to program a new survey and as part of this ask we’ll have respondents enter a 6 digit identifier that will represent one of our offices across the country. We have an excel of the data tied to each of those unique identifiers that we’d like to connect into the survey data.


So for example:

  1. Our location excel sheet tells us that office #123456 is located in Toronto and is managed by John Smith.
  2. Respondent takes the survey and says they visited office #123456
  3. In the survey response data the location (Toronto) and the manager (John Smith) needs to be pulled into that response automatically for filtering down the road - this would most likely be embedded data.

Now if we only had a few of these to build I could do this manually but our list of offices is 6000 long and there are multiple data points we’d want to capture for each of those locations.

What is the best way to accomplish this? Not sure if it’s javascript somehow or web service...I don’t have the technical background knowledge but if I know what route to go I can start digging around to see if someone can do it :)





1 reply

Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 1449 replies
  • November 9, 2023

One of the way would be to data project to store all the office details with office number as unique id. Then, using web service element and data project API fetch the respective details for the office.

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