Quotas for Looping question | XM Community
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Quotas for Looping question


I’m first asking two questions from the respondent.

  1. Countries you have experience working in. (Multi-select, out of 10)
  2. Companies you have experience working in. (Multi-select, out of 14)

Moving forward they’ll answer the next block of 5 questions, on loop, for each selected company in each selected country.

Now, I want it so that a combination of a country and a company is only asked one time.

I’m doing this by applying Quotas for all possible combinations of a country and company. Then I’ll apply display logic to the options of companies question as to only display if the quota has not been achieved.

So, for example, I’ve applied a quota of n=1 for Q1=USA and Q2=Company A. Once this quota is achieved, the next time a respondent selects USA, they will not be shown Company A in Q2.


So my question is, all possible combinations of country and companies to make quotas would be 140. Is their an easier/more efficient way to achieve this?

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