Rotation max number of times - pulling from 2 questions | XM Community
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Rotation max number of times - pulling from 2 questions

  • November 5, 2024
  • 2 replies

I have three questions

  1. Awareness - with a multi select brand list
  2. Usage - with a multi select brand list. Select up to max 2. 
  3. Performance of each brand

I would like to ask performance (part 3) a maximum of 3x per respondent based on their answers to part 2 and 1.  I would like to prioritise the performance question to those who are using that brand (part 2), but also pull in answers from part 1 if they say are using less than three brands (they are only actually allowed to select up to 2.


Is there a way to maximise the number of rotations between 2 questions?  Or another clever way to do this? 


2 replies

  • Level 2 ●●
  • 27 replies
  • November 6, 2024


I think the description is a bit confusing, if you could give a more detailed description or attach reference images we could find a possible answer.


Not sure how the questions are set up. It may not be simple if there is a wide number of options to choose from since you may need to consider the possible combinations to be used for randomizing.


Q1 has x options and y options was selected.

Q2 has either “y options that carried over from Q1” or “x options with display logic on Q1’s options selected leading to y options being displayed” and z options being selected (max up to 2 options selected, could also be none selected).

It will be required to randomize at least 1 to 3 unselected y options based on Q2’s z options selected before fitting it to Q3.


Or, perhaps reduce the options available in Q1 and Q2 by 1 and adding the removed option directly for Q3?

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