Retroactively adding ID variable to previous survey to link to future surveys | XM Community
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Retroactively adding ID variable to previous survey to link to future surveys

  • January 3, 2025
  • 1 reply


I am helping with a study that involves a screener and follow-up survey responses (on a separate qualtrics survey). Participants will not be assigned their ID #s until after their screener responses. I was curious if there was a way that we could retroactively input the ID #s on the screener after they take it based on the responses they fill out on the screener to add a variable to the ID to avoid redundant questions in follow-up surveys. Specifically, screener responses will ask demographics questions which will prompt different display of questions based on their responses in the screener, so I am curious if we could add a variable to these ID #s (retroactively adding to the screeners) based on their responses to display different questions in follow-up surveys. 

1 reply

  • QPN Level 2 ●●
  • 40 replies
  • January 3, 2025

@davgon1774 ,

You may try this -

Declare an embedded data with “ParticipantID” and once the screener questions are answered, you can pipe-in some static text and pipe-in a specific question which would be the deciding factor in follow-up survey.

 Before the screener block, declare “ParticipantID”, once the screener section is done and suppose if you have age question in demographics, you can simply set “ParticipantID = STATICTEXT + ${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntry}”  QID1 contains the age. 

You can pass the “ParticipantID” via link on the follow up survey${e://Field/ParticipantID}
 and based on “ParticipantID” certain questions can be displayed.


We also have predefined ID in Qualtrics “ResponseID” but not sure how that could help in followup survey. Again, instead of static text, you can 
ParticipantID = “${e://Field/ResponseID} + ${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntry}”.

Let me know if that works.

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