About 3 years ago there was a post about setting up a Star question instead of the bubbles. 1 year ago some Qualtrics gurus gave Java and CSS to override the multiple choice question set to be stars. It works great - if you want to do that check it out!
BUT - We also put forced response questions in our survey. When you take the survey and fill in your star rating the stars turn yellow. If you skip a question that is required and Qualtrics makes you go back to retake the question - all your star ratings turn back to grey as if you did not select them. The data is still there. During testing, I did not go back and repopulate the stars and the data captured my first input. But this will not be a good customer experience. So if anyone has code (and an explanation for noob coders on where to put it) that can stop the stars from resetting their color - that would be AMAZING!!
Best answer by Tom_1842
Hi @Tob, I believe you are referring to this post, and I see what you mean about the highlighting being removed when the page loads. The updateStars function only runs when a star is clicked, so I've made an adjustment so that it runs when the page is loaded as well. Try using the below JS in the OnReady section:
{/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/const questionBody = document.querySelector('#'+this.questionId+' .QuestionBody');
const radios = questionBody.querySelectorAll('#'+this.questionId+' input[type="radio"]');
// Create top left labelconst topLeftLabel = document.createElement('div');
topLeftLabel.className = 'label top-left';
topLeftLabel.innerText = 'Left Label 1';
// Create top right labelconst topRightLabel = document.createElement('div');
topRightLabel.className = 'label top-right';
topRightLabel.innerText = 'Right Label 1';
// Create star rating containerconst starContainer = document.createElement('div');
starContainer.className = 'star-rating';
// Create stars
radios.forEach((radio, index) => {
const star = document.createElement('span');
star.className = 'star not-rated';
star.innerHTML = '★'; // Star character
star.dataset.value = radio.value;
star.addEventListener('click', () => {
radios[index].checked = true;
updateStars(starContainer, index);
// Update stars on page loadconst checkedRadioIndex = Array.from(radios).findIndex(radio => radio.checked);
if (checkedRadioIndex !== -1) {
updateStars(starContainer, checkedRadioIndex);
functionupdateStars(container, index) {const stars = container.querySelectorAll('.star');
stars.forEach((star, i) => {
if (i <= index) {
} else {
Hi @Tob, I believe you are referring to this post, and I see what you mean about the highlighting being removed when the page loads. The updateStars function only runs when a star is clicked, so I've made an adjustment so that it runs when the page is loaded as well. Try using the below JS in the OnReady section:
{/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/const questionBody = document.querySelector('#'+this.questionId+' .QuestionBody');
const radios = questionBody.querySelectorAll('#'+this.questionId+' input[type="radio"]');
// Create top left labelconst topLeftLabel = document.createElement('div');
topLeftLabel.className = 'label top-left';
topLeftLabel.innerText = 'Left Label 1';
// Create top right labelconst topRightLabel = document.createElement('div');
topRightLabel.className = 'label top-right';
topRightLabel.innerText = 'Right Label 1';
// Create star rating containerconst starContainer = document.createElement('div');
starContainer.className = 'star-rating';
// Create stars
radios.forEach((radio, index) => {
const star = document.createElement('span');
star.className = 'star not-rated';
star.innerHTML = '★'; // Star character
star.dataset.value = radio.value;
star.addEventListener('click', () => {
radios[index].checked = true;
updateStars(starContainer, index);
// Update stars on page loadconst checkedRadioIndex = Array.from(radios).findIndex(radio => radio.checked);
if (checkedRadioIndex !== -1) {
updateStars(starContainer, checkedRadioIndex);
functionupdateStars(container, index) {const stars = container.querySelectorAll('.star');
stars.forEach((star, i) => {
if (i <= index) {
} else {