2x2 within subjects design (no repetition - counterbalanced) | XM Community
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I have a fully crossed 2x2 within subjects design in which participants will receive 4 stimuli that are accompanied by two different features (i.e. experimental factors).
Participants receive 4 statements and these statements are either a) approved or b) disapproved by a c) ingroup or d) outgroup.
Each participant should receive: 1 ingroup x approval image, 1 outgroup x disapproval image, 1 ingroup x approval image and 1x outgroup x disapproval image.
Group x feedback combinations should therefore randomly vary across the 4 images but each participant should receive all four possible combinations. This means, qualtrics needs to remember which combination has been shown and subsequently reduce the pool of options to present to participants.

Thanks in advance!

Have you read the support pages on randomizer and groups ?
Are you looking for functionality that is more than what is described there?

I think I do...I know how to randomize both, the 4 image conditions and the 4 possible feedback conditions under each image. However, I do not know how I can program qualtrics to "remember" which feedback participants received in a previous image to delete this option from the following image.

I attach a screenshot of my survey flow:
Let´s say participants receive Dem Agreement for the Pencil image. This option should then be taken out for the next image (chalk).

Thanks in advance!

randomizer.pnghere´s a copy of my current survey flow

I'm sorry your question is not clear. If it's just a 2x2, why can't you hardcode each and put them in a randomizer.
What do you want Qualtrics to remember?

Thanks for you response. I´ll try to make it more clear:

In a 2x2 design you have 4 possible combinations = Ingroup x agree & Ingroup x disagrre & outgroup x agee & outgroup x disagree. These 4 combinations apply to each of the 4 images (you may think if it as a 4x2x2 design).
If you look at the survey flow you´ll see that Image 1 "Pencil" includes a randomizer with all 4 feedback conditions (4 groups = rep agree, rep da, dem agree, dem da). So qualtrics will randomly select 1 out of these 4 feedbacks.
The next image at the bottom will be "chalk" (see group chalk). I need qualtrics to remember the feedback chosen for image "pencil" to reduce the possible number of feedback for "chalk" to 3 (4-1).
I hope that this is more clear?

PS: I could hardcode them (e.g. image 1 always includes dem agree, image 2 always dem disagree etc.). However, this would neglect potenial differences between the images. Hence, I prefer a more complex randomization in which responses vary for each image. Yet, at the end each participant should receive each 4 possible feedback combinations.

So you have four images: 1,2,3 and 4, and four conditions A,B,C and D.
That gives you 16 possible combinations. How many do you want to show the respondents?

The images 1-4 are randomized (participant will see all 4 in different order).
Within each image the four conditions ABCD are randomized (1 out of 4 will be selected).
Participant should see:
Image 1 = Condition A or B or C or D
if e.g. A then
Image 2 = Condition B or C or D
if e.g. C then
Image 3 = Condition B or D
if e.g. D then
Image 4 = B

Adriano.qsfSee the survey flow in the attached QSF.
I've done it for three rounds, you can add the fourth on the same pattern.
If you add the branches in Round1 also, then you can just put all the four groups in a randomizer to ensure the images are also randomized.

Dear ahmedA ,
Thank you very much for your support!
I´ll have to shuffle some more time to make sure I got everything right. But it looks really cool!

Hi @ahmedA , I hope this finds you well. I am trying to do the same thing as @Adriano but I could not see the attached QSF you referenced in your reply to @Adriano . Please could you direct me to it? Thank you

Hello @ahmedA,

Hope this finds you well.

I am also struggling with the same problem as Rufai and Adriano. Could I also have the attached QSF you referenced?


Thank you very much in advance,


Sorry. I don’t remember what QSF this was. 

Please create another post describing your problem and I’ll try to help as much as I can.



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