Adding a an invisible clock to a block | XM Community
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Hello everyone, I hope you can help me.

I’m planning a survey where the degree of effort spent on a task is measured also with the time spent on it.
I saw that it's possible to add a timer to a block, but I didn't quite understand if it's possible to record the time spent in a block.

My goal is to record the time that the participant spends within a block and stop the recording when the person moves to the next block.

The time elapsed should not be visible to the participant and should be recorded on the dataset.

Thanks in advance

Hi @GT87 ,


The timing question is not visible to the participant by default.

Just add a timer question to a block and make sure that the block should not have any page breaks.


Thanks so much for the answer.

Now  I have a timer that records the participant’s time on the block and shows the ‘next’ button after a while.

Thank you

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