Branch Logic is not working properly after authenticator and embedded data | XM Community
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I have set up a two-part study, and in my 2nd part the participants’ login using their student ID. I manually allocate them to different conditions based on their ID using Branch Logic.  For some reason the branch Logic no longer works and takes the participants straight to the end of the survey! I am attaching some screenshots of my survey flow!




You have multiple ANDs in your logic. ID can’t be equal to multiple things, those should be OR.

Hi @Maria_Sophf 

If it used to work, and you have not made any changes, are you trying to make the respondents take the same survey again? Because in that case (depending on your setup) the system will remember where they were in the survey earlier, and will take them there, which means skipping the steps they performed earlier. Try asking them to delete any cookies from they might have in their browser.


Hi @JesperAndersen 

It used to work with the made-up ids I created in order to test the survey! After I published it, it stopped working for the actual participants!


All the best,


Hi @ahmedA 

Thank you so much, it seems to work right now!


All the best,



I have been running the survey for the past few days, and I noticed that sometimes the survey flow works normally and sometimes participants still get straight to the debrief block! I have already changed the Ands to Ors.


All the best,


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