can i show the answer choices in a question, based on an answer from another question? | XM Community
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i would show the answer choices in a question, based on an answer from another question, any hints on that?
i.e. Q1 includes 5 choices, and Q2 includes 16 choices,
if Q1, answer 1 is selected,
then i would show one answers 1,2,3,4 from Q2

and i would keep Q2 with the 16 choices for the sake of analysis.
P.S. the other option of splitting Q2 with different answers groups and add a display logic will not work, as in Q3 i would include all displayed answers from Q2, and carry forward works only with one question.. :)

hope i didn't make it very complicated 😃


I would keep all 16 answer choices in Q2, and add display logic to the individual answer choices within Q2 (click on a single answer choice, then click on the blue arrow that comes up when you are editing that one answer choice, and click "Add display logic."). That's different from splitting Q2 into multiple separate questions and adding display logic to each question. With a single question and display logic on individual answer choices, you can then carry forward only displayed choices from Q2 into Q3. Will that work for you?

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